Month: September 2022

ECECT: Στην Κρήτη, για συνάντηση με τους εταίρους μας για το έργο sustain4rural στα πλαίσια του Erasmus+

Στην Κρήτη, για συνάντηση με τους εταίρους μας για το έργο sustain4rural στα πλαίσια του Erasmus+. Δημιουργούμε εκπαιδευτικό υλικό για θέματα βιωσιμότητας για κόσμο με περιορισμένη πρόσβαση σε εκπαιδεύσεις στις αστικές περιοχές. Οι εκπαιδεύσεις θα γίνουν την περίοδο Νοεμβρίου – Μαρτίου. Miletia – Sustainable Social Development Parpounas Sustainability Consultants

ECECT: Επίσκεψη των εταίρων στην Ένωση Αγροτικών Συνεταιρισμών Ηρακλείου

Επίσκεψη των εταίρων στην Ένωση Αγροτικών Συνεταιρισμών Ηρακλείου, Κρήτης μέσα στα πλαίσια ερευνητικών δράσεων του έργου Sustain4Rural. ECECT.euMiletia – Sustainable Social DevelopmentParpounas Sustainability Consultants

ECECT: BETES Kick-Off Meeting

ECECT is happy to present a new project on board: “BETES: Bootcamps for Emerging Technologies and Essential Skills ” funded by Erasmus+. The consortium of the project consists of 3 partners one is from Cyprus, the second is Skills Zone Malta from Malta and the third one is Digital idea from Greece. A typical trainee is a teacher or other professionals associated with STEAM education (TRAIN THE TRAINERS). Various seminars and events will utilize developed material to educate or further educate the trainees on the latest trends and technologies. The main goal is not only to educate them on the current technologies and methods but also to make sure they have the appropriate handbook and tools to transfer that knowledge to young students.

ECECT: ReSTELA Project Kick-Off Meeting

ECECT is happy to present another new project on board: “ReSTELA: Remote STEM Labs ” funded by Erasmus+. The consortium of the project consists of 3 partners one is from Cyprus, the second is TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology from Estonia and the third one is Scuola di Robotica from Italy. A typical trainee is a teacher or other professional associated with STEAM education (TRAIN THE TRAINERS). Various seminars, workshops, and events will utilize developed material, robotic equipment, and platform to educate the trainees on the newly developed remote STEM labs. The main goal is not only to educate the trainees regarding the platform but most importantly through pilot sessions, to ensure that they can transfer that knowledge to their young students.