Month: October 2022

ECECT: The 1st Transnational Project Meeting of “Cities Going Green

The 1st Transnational Project Meeting of “Cities Going Green: Application for the Development of a Green and Smart City” Erasmus+ project in Poland took place on the 6th-7th of October. During the meeting on the 6th of October, the consortium partners discussed the progress of the ongoing activities and decided upon the next steps for the project! On the 7th of October, the partners visited the Municipal Office in Grójec where students and teachers of Public Primary School No.1 demonstrated presentations on threats to the natural environment in the area, as well as environmental awareness in their community. Cities Going Green

ECECT: BETES Project Meeting

The team of Skills Zone Malta was busy in Cyprus meeting with George Georgiou, Stelios Ilia and Sofia Kouskouli from to discuss our newly funded Project BETES. After a wonderful Cypriot lunch and a very interactive meeting, the discussions were underway for future mutual collaboration. We are really excited