ECECT: New Project on Board “Cities Going Green: Application for the Development of a Smart and Green City” (Erasmus+, KA2)

ECECT is happy to present a new project on board: “Cities Going Green: Application for the Development of a Smart and Green City” (Erasmus+, KA2)! The consortium of the project consists of nine partners (one is ECECT) from 5 EU countries (Poland, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece and Spain)! “Cities Going Green” aims to cultivate environmental consciousness to students at the ages 10-12, through environmental education, STEM education and gamification. The project aims at the development of a game available for PC/laptops or mobile devices, where children will have the opportunity to build their ‘Green Cities’. Stay tuned for more! The kick-off meeting of the “Cities Going Green: Application for the Development of a Green and Smart City” (Erasmus+, KA2) project took place online today, the 7th of February. During the meeting, the partners of the consortium were able to discuss about the aim and objectives of the project, as well as the next steps toward its implementation.